It Went Away

What's In a Name?


This web site is brought to you by fiancés Jeff and Caitlin. Jeff is sighted. Cailin is blind.

In our jouney together we've spent a fair bit of time addressing versious "blind" issues; school, work, transportation, conveying visual ideas, etc. One reoccuring theme in those efforts is wondering how other people have successfully dealt with this? And why almost no one has bothered to take the time to document what they did to make things easier for those who follow... So we decided to do just that. We hope someone out there finds it useful.

The name of the site, "it went away" is a nod to one of Caitlin's quirky phrases that she thinks she picked up elsewhere. She'll say, "I used to have one of those, but it went away." Or, "It was right here a moment ago but it went away."


Content and imges copyright © 2013 by Caitlin Webb and Jeff Jones